Elevator Pitch

I have blogged for a lot of years on a lot of topics. On multiple blogs, I explicitly state some variation of "If you want to take this idea I've written about and create a real business with it, feel free."

For example:

(If someone actually wants to start "Diamond Air", have at it. I don't care.)

You are absolutely welcome to take this half-baked business idea and turn it into a fully fledged business, especially if it is in service of creating affordable housing in line with my vision, on the condition that you refrain from being an asshole pretending it's YOUR idea and you had the business first and start suing me or others who use these recipes.

Behave yourself and I'm fine with you making a few bucks to offer better food options to people.

(Come up with your own business name, though. Do not steal mine.)

This website is not intended to be a blog with ideas other people are welcome to use to develop a business. This is intended to be my Elevator Pitch for a business idea I've been researching and developing for a lot of years.

I do not believe anyone else is doing anything like this in the world. If copycats show up before I can create a business because they are already in the fashion industry, it's stolen intellectual property and I may sue.

October 7, 2024